Local government as a grassroot government closer to the people, it is therefore imperative that they improve in their quality of service delivery. But to achieve this, local government have the necessary available funds to pursue its objectives. Local government are often faced with one limitation or the other, hence there is a continuous needs for reforms to meet the up challenges so as to be able to improved in service delivery; regardless of the location and continents.
Local government as a universal factor in government, serving as an intermediary between the people and the national or central government. Hence the underlined points could serve as a guide to improve local in a comparative view between those in the United Kingdom and Nigeria towards a more representative and proactive local governance.
United Kindgom
Local government reforms should be continued with a view to ensure the best workable model that will promote quality service delivery for the people which is the very essence of local governance.
QUANGO’s – (Quansi- Autonomous, Non- Governmental Organizations) as instruments of local government though interventionist, they should be adequately monitored or supervised to enhance transparency and accountability in the interest of the local people.
The Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) and Best Value for money (BV) tools have been very useful to local government in the United Kingdom, promoting transparency and saving cost, hence the achievement of efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, they should be periodically reviewed to meet prevailing political, social and economic challenges.
Most reforms are consequent upon political rivalry among parties to promote public patronage and acceptance, the public need to be more careful not to be misdirected by one political party over the other. Reforms should be based on workable policies and programmes anchored on quality service delivery to the generality of the people.
The models of local government systems should be that which will accord more powers to the leaders of the council to improve performance with a more stable tenure because public satisfaction levels with councils is strongest where the leadership is stable and not subject to change.
State government interference or diversion of federal statutory funds meant for local government should be discourage and the state government should be compelled to give the mandated 10% of their internally generated Revenue to the local governments.
There should be accountability in this local government that officials of the council should be responsible and accountable to the people they claim to represent.
There should be effort to ensure that all local government is financially viable to the extent of their own internally generated revenue rather than over reliance on statutory allocation.
For local government to be able to perform they need to improve on their financial capacity, therefore state government should give up some of their area of generating revenue that are not exclusive to them to the local governments
There should be National Performance Monitoring Indicators to measure local government efficiency and effectiveness. Local authorities should be assessed on the basis of their economy, efficiency and effectiveness (3ES) in their use of available resources.
There should be the application of a standardized regular compulsory Performance Auditing (CPA) for local governments as determinant for financial support from both the federal and State government.
To reduce the financial leakage due to corruption and embezzlement at local government, the councilor, council chairmen and functional head in local government must promote financial responsibility and accountability the situation where local government fund are looted under the guise of on project or contract must end.
Therefore, there should be the application of Compulsory Competitive Tendency (CCT) for local services and contract with a view to also promote the Best Value (BV) for the money spent by the local government.
It is also of necessity that local government financial transactions should be made public or published quarterly to allow the people opportunity to know how the business of the council is conducted, encourage contributions and partnership with the local people towards development participation.
Emphasis should be on the usage of Development Area Offices (DAO’s) to bring development to more remotes areas in the local government. Local government Areas should be broken into development Centres.
Formulation/implementation of policies and programs of local government should accommodate the contribution of the local people because elected representative can not claim to know all the peculiar problems of the people nor competent enough to take decisions on them.
True democratization and balance polity is very imperatives for the local government rather that mere civilianization of the local government administration. Hence there is the need for electoral reforms to guarantee free and fair elections at the local government devoid of influence/manipulation by the ruling state government party.
Local government under the present federal system in Nigeria is too expensive, wasteful and less effective. Local government in Nigeria should be run under a parliamentary system as against the presidential system of government.
The political system should be flexible enough in the local government to allow for independent candidate in elections to represent the people and also removing representatives that fail to perform.
The idea of using local government fund for political patronage by politician should be stopped and where contracts are awarded, local government officials who verify such before payment should be prosecuted for negligence when such contracts do not meet the required standard.
Without infringing on the autonomy of the local governments in Nigeria there should be stricter supervision of local government by the state governments and encourage in partnership with the local leaders of the council.
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